The Andersen Family

The Andersen Family
In Nakuru, 2011

Friday, April 16, 2010

What is it? Where is it?

Yes, that is a camel. Why is it in the car? A hyena attacked it in the night, taking out a bit of meat from its rear leg. But don't think that camel is headed for the slaughter. He broke a plexiglass window in the car on his way to medical help and was running around with the other camels within the day. God made tough animals for this harsh environment.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Famine Relief

Many people in our community have enough money to buy only the bare necessities. Through donations we have helped fill in the gap a little by offering a work for food program. We provide work for individuals and when they have completed their assigned tasks they receive food according to how many days they have worked. Young and old, men and women, those inside and outside the church have participated. We have assisted approximately 200 families through the program. We thank God that we are able to bless our community in this way.

The food items: maize meal, beans, milk, sugar, and vegetable oil

Men assembling madada, a type of palm leaf, fence made by women.

Job almost completed, all done by work for food participants.

Ladies collecting food. Elders from the church decide who is in need.